The Easiest Customer To Make Happy

Midway through a cruise,
I told a maître d’
we were extremely happy
with our table
and with our servers.
They were doing an excellent job,
etc. etc.

The next day,
he moved a grumpy passenger
and her group
to our table.

We were told to sit somewhere else
– a not-as-nice table
with different servers.

I refused.
We were then given the same servers
but we never got our table back.

And we could hear
the grumpy passenger complain
night after night.

The maître d’ didn’t make her happy
and he made his happy customers

The easiest customer
to make happy
is the customer
who is already happy.

Don’t f*ck those customers over
when attempting to make
unhappy customers happier.

Keeping happy customers happy
should be your priority.