I seldom participate
in April Fools’ Day
merely because
participation has a high likelihood
of destroying a brand,
rather than building it.
This year was no exception.
An online retailer
sent out a newsletter
that looked like a notification email.
What was the ‘notification’?
A huge charge
was applied to the customers’ account.
This was an April Fools’ prank.
There was no charge.
But the people I know
who received it
were shaken and upset.
When they found out
it was a prank,
they unsubscribed to the newsletter.
A writer buddy of mine
posted she was going to
craft a funny new pen name
dedicated to a niche
she has long ago abandoned.
Readers were super excited
she was returning to the niche.
They searched under
the pen name.
When they were told
it was a prank,
there would be no new books
coming in that niche,
they were VERY upset.
They felt their love of the niche
was being mocked.
If your April Fools’ prank
doesn’t make people smile,
re-consider it.