Evergreen Products And Common Questions

I’m currently writing
in a subgenre of Romance
that is evergreen.
The books (products)
never become dated.

Evergreen products are great.
You build them once.
They sell forever.

Because they sell forever,
you will likely receive
the same types of
customer messages/questions

Prepare for this.

Consider building
a file of customer questions
and your answers.

Whenever you receive
a new question,
no matter how strange it is,
add it and your answer
to the file.

If your product
is around for 50 years,
someone will likely
ask it again.

Then all you have to do
is cut and paste
the answer.
(Don’t refer them to a webpage.
That’s impersonal and often irritating.)

Put a little more work
into building a file
of questions and answers
for evergreen products.
That time will be worth it.