A salesman loved one
recently switched companies.
Most of his customers
switched with him.
This is why salespeople
are often paid more
than other employees.
This is also why
companies try to force
salespeople to use systems
that record their customer information.
In the romance publishing industry,
there’s a constant battle
between booksellers, publishers
and writers
over who ‘owns’ the reader.
Publishers will take sales-suppressing actions
like disallowing live sign up links
to a writer’s newsletter
in their books
as an attempt to force
the reader to contact them.
(This doesn’t work.)
They KNOW this costs them
short term sales
(sales of the next book in the series)
yet they still do this.
“The reason that
Uber drivers will always struggle”
They don’t have
a relationship with the customer.
It turns out that finding a customer
and knowing where he wants to go
is almost as valuable as
having a car
and knowing how to drive it.
Because Uber and other middlemen
are earning permission
to connect with their customers,
the driver will always get
the short end of the stick.
They can easily replace the driver,
but the driver can’t easily replace Uber.”
If you have ANY opportunity
to directly contact
a customer,
take it.
This connection is
one of the most valuable assets
your business has.