My first impulse
is to be much more critical of other women
than I would ever be of men.
I KNOW I have this bias.
I deliberately stop myself
and ask, “Would I think or say this
if she was a man?”
I correct my thinking
and my actions.
Lindsey Saletta
has a theory
about why we tend not to help
other women.
She believes
it is because we don’t want to
draw attention to the fact
we’re women
in an usually male dominated field.
“If we accept the idea
that being a woman
makes us an unwanted intruder,
we are much less likely
to reach out and help
the next woman
up the ladder.
The following woman in turn
feels no support
and is unlikely
to help her colleagues up either.
The results of this pattern
are entire industries
filled with women
who are isolated, distrusting,
and at a disadvantage.”
Figure out your own bias
(and I guarantee you have one)
and then figure out
how to offset it.
Change the world
by supporting other women.