We all have critics in our lives.
They pick apart
everything we do,
tell us things aren’t possible,
or, if they’re possible,
they’re not possible for us.
Criticizing is what they do.
That’s their role.
And I believe that role is valuable.
If I allow a critic’s comments
to stop me,
I know I didn’t really want
to achieve the goal
in the first place.
“But there was my mom
next to me,
stronger than ever,
and she said
the most important thing is
to always trust in myself.
If I am doing something
because I love it,
I should do it
because I love it
and I believe I can do it.
So she told me to keep going.
She told me and she taught me
to turn the other cheek.
And let the critics be critics.
And let us just trust ourselves.”
Let the critics do their jobs.
Concentrate on YOUR job,
making the world
a better place.