We often throw around phrases
like ‘calm while under fire”
when describing great leadership.
Some folks think
this means great leaders don’t freak out.
They don’t get scared.
It doesn’t mean this.
Everyone gets scares.
What it means is
great leaders don’t SHOW their fear.
Why don’t they show it?
Because when a leader shows her fear,
her followers totally lose
their sh*t.
If she ACTS calm,
her followers tend to calm down also.
“Often that means that
your leadership demeanor
needs to be compensatory
to your followers’ demeanor.
When people are freaking out,
you need to portray confidence and resolve.
When people are complacent and apathetic,
you need to portray worry and concern.
This may not exactly be authentic,
but it’s what people need and
what the role of leader calls
for you to portray.”
Act the way
you want your followers to act.