Mother’s Day

Today is Mother’s Day
in North America.

Of course,
if you sell flowers
or chocolates
or greeting cards,
today is a day to promote hard.

I sell romance novels
and I’m also promoting,
not because I plan to sell
a gazillion novels as Mother’s Day gifts
(that is unlikely)
but because my customer base,
mostly women,
either have moms or they are moms.

This is a special day
for my customers
I should acknowledge it.
I’m not saying ‘Buy my books.’
I’m posting mom-themed quotes
and sharing mom-related scenes
from my books, other people’s books,
movies, etc.,
acknowledging this day.
This is the nice thing to do
and it tightens the connection
between us.

If women are your target customer,
consider doing something for Mother’s Day.

Categorized as Marketing