You’re Not Alone

One of my loved ones
is dealing with depression.
I didn’t know what to do,
how to help him.
I felt embarrassed to ask for help.
I thought, since I loved him,
I should know how to cheer him up.

But I swallowed my pride
and asked.

Only to find out
that many of my friends
are dealing with the same issue
(loved ones suffering from depression).
Some of my friends
were searching for solutions.
Others had found a solution
and shared these with me.

This is true of
almost every problem in our lives,
personal or business or other.

Someone you know,
right now,
is struggling with the same problem
you are.
It might be in a different industry
or a different area of her life
or not exactly the same
in some other way.
But she is searching
for the same sort of solution,
even if that solution
is simply a person to talk to.

I suspect there’s also
someone you know
who has a solution,
maybe not the right one
for you,
maybe not the perfect solution,
but she has ONE solution.

You are not alone.
You don’t have to deal
with your problems alone.
Ask for help.