I Am Responsible

One of my buddies
was listing the reasons
why he’s not successful.
All of these reasons
were due to someone or something else.

After each reason,
I asked,
“So everyone in the world
was affected by this?”
To which, he was forced to say “no”
because, of course,
not everyone in the world was affected.
My reply?
“Then you were somehow responsible
for [whatever reason he gave].”

Sh*t goes wrong.
I understand.
But we are responsible
for being in that place
where it affects us.
We’re responsible for our reactions,
how we deal with it.

We have power.
When we blame others,
we voluntarily
give this power away.
That’s f*cked up.

Figure out what
you could have done differently.
Learn from it.
Take action
and take responsibility.
Keep your power.