How To Work With Influencers

In the Romance novel business,
there are a handful of bloggers/reviewers
who are considered influentials.
When they review a book
and like it,
thousands of other bloggers/reviewers
pick up the same book.

Every industry has influencers
(or influentials).
Identifying them isn’t the challenging part.
Gaining their trust is.

So how do you work with them?

Andrew Hutchinson

“Interact with their content,
ask questions,
be part of their community.
Becoming part of the wider social conversation
is a great way
to build your own influence
and expertise in itself,
but in order to get on the radar
of relevant influencers,
it’s important to understand
who they are,
why they do what they do.
If they’re influencing the people
you want to reach,
it’s likely that they’ll be able to teach you
a lot about the expectations
of that community.”

Become part of the influencer’s community.
Learn what that community expects.
Then deliver it.

Categorized as Marketing