The Art Of The Panel

You’re asked to be
on a panel of experts
at a conference or workshop
or some other event.

How do you prepare?

The questions I ask the organizer are

-What is the topic?
-Who is the audience?
-What is the setup of the event?


most importantly,
-Why did you ask ME?

A great panel organizer
wants diversity.
The answer to this last question
will tell you
which group
you’re representing.

I was recently asked
to be on a writer panel.
I’ve been published
with a big New York publisher,
smaller publishers,
and have self published.
I could have represented all of these groups.
The big New York publishers
and the self published
had ample representation.
I was the only writer
to publish with small presses
and that is what I specifically talked to.

I also looked across the panel
and saw serious faces.
This was supposed to be
a lighter, fun event
so I knew my other responsibility
was to lighten the tone,
to crack jokes, to tease the other writers,
to make it enjoyable for everyone.

All of this should tie into
your key branding.
It’s what you’re known for
which is why you were asked
by the organizer
in the first place.

Know which role you’re playing
on expert panels.

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