Everything Is Research

In the writing world,
we have a saying
“Everything is research.”
Every experience,
good or bad,
can be used in a future book.

That’s true of
ALL product development.
I found inspiration
for children’s juice packaging
in the cereal aisle,
at Disney World,
at the beach.

In May 2015’s
Enroute Magazine,
Jean-Michel Gathy,
Principal Designer,

“I have a very critical eye.
I spend my time abroad
measuring, assessing,
exploring and
critiquing things constantly,
and finding inspiration for ideas.
For example,
when I was in Milan
the other week,
I saw a wall treatment
that I thought
would be perfect
for the Mandarin Oriental
I’m working on in Bali.”

Everything is research.
Pay attention to the world
around you.