Listening To Your Gut

In May 2015’s
Enroute Magazine,
Rande Gerber,
co-founder of Casamigos Tequila,

“Always listen to your gut,
your wife and your kids.
My dad worked hard
but his kids were always his priority
and work never got
in the way of time with us.”

My biggest mistakes in life
have been the result
of not listening to my gut.

If the facts point in one direction
and my gut,
that feeling in the pit of my stomach,
in my soul,
points in the other,
I go with my gut.
Normally, the gut perceives something
we subconsciously see
but aren’t consciously aware of.

Note: There’s a difference
between fear and our gut instincts.
One says ‘run away’
while another says ‘this is wrong.’
Our gut is usually less emotional.

Listen to your gut.