Your business has been open
for a while.
It has history.
This history can have value.
It might mean something
to your customers.
But how far back in history
should you go?
It depends on your prospective customer.
I watch two music video channels.
One targets middle aged people.
One targets teenagers.
Both have a now and then show.
They play videos
— one ‘old’ and one ‘new’
— from the same artist.
The ‘old’ videos
for the middle aged viewers
are often 20 years old.
They’re dated from
when they were teenagers.
The ‘old’ videos
for the teenaged viewers
are 2 or 3 years old.
For a 16 year old,
2 years is a long time.
When you revisit
your company’s history,
make a conscious decision
how far back you’ll celebrate.