Wrong Phone Number?

I had 12 rounds of edits on a story.
I looked at it.
My critique partners looked at it.
My agent, editor and copyeditors looked at it.

There was a typo on the first page.

Mistakes happen.
If you advertise often enough,
you’ll have a big mistake happen
– a website or phone number
is listed incorrectly.

Don Alm
shares his technique
for dealing with this common problem

“I tell her to “relax” and
I will look at the problem…
and sure nuff, the Phone #
for one of the advertisers is wrong……
instead of an “8” in the number,
the number on the Mugs is “SIX”!

So….I phone the “6” number
and sure nuff…….it’s a residence.

I tell the person
who picks up the phone
that “A Mistake Was Made”……
Their phone number
was put in the Ad by Mistake
I’d be willing to pay them $5
for each phone call they received,
asking about (X)

He agreed!

I then asked him
to write down each and every phone no
and send it to me,
and I’d pay him $5 for each one.

instead of being accused of “something”
……”interrupting” them, or whatever
…..I got a “Lead-Collector”!”

Most people I know
and most websites
would redirect happily
for a fee.

There is a solution
for every problem.

Categorized as Marketing