Outsourcing Content

Jayson DeMers

“54 percent of brands
don’t have a dedicated
content director on-site,
and 62 percent outsource
their content marketing.

According to IDG Connect,
84 percent of companies
plan to increase the amount of content
they create and publish.
As such,
it’s safe to assume that
the market for content marketing companies
is going to continue to grow rapidly.”

If the control freak in you cringes
when thinking about outsourcing content,
I’ll share a dirty little secret.
Many professional writers
outsource their content.

James Patterson hasn’t written
a novel on his own in years.
Another writer crafts the book.
He puts his James Patterson touch on it,
tweaking a word here and there.
His readers don’t care.

As long as you maintain quality control,
ensuring the content creator reflects your branding,
your customers won’t care either.

Consider outsourcing your content.

(I don’t outsource my content
for client k.
This is a labor of love for me,
not a business endeavor.)

Categorized as Marketing