Mother’s Day Marketing

Mother’s Day
(in North America)
is a week from today.

Almost everyone has a mom.
Many women are moms.
As a romance writer,
my readers expect me
to acknowledge Mother’s Day.

This isn’t a nice-to-do.
This is a MUST-do.

I suspect that
your customers might feel
the same way.
Restaurants are expected
to have Mother’s Day specials.
Cemeteries are expected
to have Mother’s Day wreaths.
Movie theaters are expected
to have some feel-good movies
people can bring their moms to
(The Mummy’s
“Bring your mommy to see The Mummy
on Mother’s Day”
promo was classic).

The decision isn’t
WILL you do something
for Mother’s Day.
It is
WHAT are you doing
for Mother’s Day.

Categorized as Marketing