Hire For Attitude

When I was a business consultant,
I’d often accept a job
knowing I didn’t have all of the qualifications.
Maybe I was rusty in
one of the software packages needed
or some other skill.

When I landed the job,
I would do an intensive crash course
in that missing skill.
I would binge on training
and walk into the job,
usually more skilled
than someone with that skill on her resume.

In the January/February
Costco Connection,
Pauline Fleming

“Hire people who exemplify
strong character and positive attitude.
Not only do these people work hard,
they want to do well
and care about the company.
Skills can be taught;
character cannot.”

If your top candidate
is missing one of the skills
yet has the right attitude,
she can still be as or more successful
in the position
as someone with all of the skills.