Good Spin Vs Bad Spin

Knowing people read my stories
because they’re uplifting,
I deliberately post
only happy stories
on social media.
These are truthful stories
but not my full truth.

As Leading Blog shares

“We all tell stories
in such a way
as to make ourselves look good
or at the very least
understandably wrong.

Of course there’s good spin and bad spin.
Each play with reality a bit,
but good spin is never a lie.
It’s always on the level.
It’s designed to highlight
the positive and the uplifting.
It opens us up to possibilities
that were not readily apparent to us.

Bad spin is a lie.
It misleads and exaggerates.
It’s opportunistic;
design to benefit the spinner.
It distorts reality
and narrows our possibilities.
It’s short term thinking.
It may benefit us in the moment
but it spoils us in the future.”

It is very dangerous to lie to people
(as countless politicians and celebrities
have discovered).

Avoid the bad spin.

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