Folding In The Magic

As my competition is delivering
solid stories (products),
my stories have to be magical.

Writing a magical story
from beginning to end
can be daunting.
It is easy to become overwhelmed
and give up,
submitting a good story,
not a magical one.

What I do is start
with the key scenes
(the first meeting, the first kiss, etc).
These are what filmmakers call
the money shot scenes.
These are the product attributes
that the readers (customers)
are truly buying.

An interesting thing happens
when I focus on these scenes,
all of the scenes around them
become magical also.
The magic spreads
until the entire story (product) is special.

I’ve seen this happen with
beverage development also.
We’ll spend time
making the carton graphics magical.
Then the employee in charge of caps
will wish his cap contribution
to be as magical.
If we had started with the quest
for a magical cap,
we’d appear silly
but once the rest of the product is magical,
a magical cap makes sense.

Fold in the magic.
Watch it spread.