Faking The Chicken

Writers do this ALL the time.
We fake the chicken.
We act as though
we have a zillion readers
because readers won’t buy books
they think no one else is reading.
Books don’t become popular
unless they are viewed
as being popular.

Facebook’s Julie Zhuo shares

“One great line
from Gagan Biyani’s talk
last week
has stayed with me:
faking the chicken.
It means doing whatever it takes
to get the chicken in place
so that you can start reaping
the benefit of eggs.

Or, if you’re lacking confidence,
fake it until you make it.
Act as if you have conviction
in what you’re saying
even if the entire neighborhood’s
butterfly population
has taken up residence
in your stomach.

Or, if something seems
out of your capabilities,
surround yourself with people
that have done it before.
Take inspiration from those
who make it look possible,
and maybe even easy.
Trick yourself into thinking
you already have the chicken.”

If you don’t have a chicken,
fake a chicken.