The A In S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Goals should ideally be
(specific, measurable, attainable,
realistic, and timely).

In previous years,
we’ve talked about
the S
the M.

Today, we’ll talk about
the A – attainable.

It makes little sense
to list a goal
if it is impossible to attain.

Some goals are clearly unattainable.
You’re unlikely to ever
be able to fly unassisted
or turn into a dinosaur.

Other goals you may think
are unattainable now
might be attainable tomorrow.
I would have thought
five years ago
that New York publishers
would have never published erotic romance.
Then 50 Shade of Grey happened.

YOUR capabilities can also change.

As Top Achievement shares

“You can attain most any goal you set
when you plan your steps wisely
and establish a time frame
that allows you to carry out
those steps.
Goals that may have seemed
far away and out of reach
eventually move closer
and become attainable,
not because your goals shrink,
but because you grow
and expand to match them.”

I normally stick to goals
that I feel are attainable
during a certain time frame
(in this case, it would be a year).

Make your goals attainable.