How Old Is Your Company?

In the romance genre,
readers respect
a writer’s writing ‘age’
or years of published writing.
It is one of the ways
they judge quality.

One of my pen names
has existed
for four years.
This isn’t a long time
in Romanceland
where careers span decades.
Looking at my actual writing ‘age’,
I’m still a new writer.

The thing is…
very few readers know
the number of years a writer has been published.
This information isn’t easily accessible.
Instead, they look at the number of releases
and they assume the higher that number,
the ‘older’ or more established
the writer.

What does this mean?
Readers assume I write quality stories
simply because I have a lot of stories published.

I don’t mess with this perception.
I don’t talk about how many years
I’ve been published.
I don’t celebrate my book birthdays
as many writers do.

How old do your customers think
your company is?
(Note: Being perceived as old
is not always better)
Can you adjust that perception
to increase sales?

Categorized as Marketing