Dealing With Email

Being a writer,
working online
with a growing and very friendly
customer (reader) base,
I receive over 1,000 emails a day.

My best tip
for dealing with this amount of email
is to have different email accounts.

I have an email account
that only my publisher, editors and agent use.
I have a personal account
for friends and family
(because, as entrepreneurs,
personal often mixes with business).
I have an account for customer (readers)
and anyone else contacting me
through my website, blog, social media, etc.
I have an industry account
with all of my newsletter subscriptions.

When I’m busy,
I might only check certain email inboxes.
I should check my publisher emails
at least once a day
(they expect a 2 day turn around time).
I should check reader emails
at least once a week.
My industry account
doesn’t have to be checked.

Anita Campbell

“Use special purpose addresses.
Ever need to download a white paper
or do some other one-time activity
that requires inputting your email?
Then you get tons of spam
from that company.
Set up an email address
you never check and
use it for these types of things.”

Email addresses are free.
Set up different email addresses
for different priorities.