Be Open To Pivoting

I’ve been a published romance writer
for six years.

For three years,
I wrote under one pen name
in one subgenre.
I was trying something new and different
and it simply didn’t work.

I then tried a different spin
on this idea
in different subgenre
under a different pen name.
This second version
was much more successful.

I switched or pivoted to this version
and this is the version
I’m concentrating on now.

Logan Green,
Co-Founder of Lyft

“I would tell them [entrepreneurs]
that it is important
to develop an internal culture
that encourages experimentation.
We did that and
that’s how we came up with Lyft.

I’d also tell them
to be open to pivoting.
Remember that the company
you start off with
isn’t always the company
you end up with.
And know that is okay.”

Ideas morph or grow
into different ideas.
Be open to pivoting.