Discouraging Use Of Pirate Sites

Pirate sites,
sites stealing books
and offering them for ‘free’,
are one of the challenges
writers deal with.

Some writers post messages
about how pirate sites hurt writers
and take money from their pockets
which forces writers to work another job
and write less.

This is true
but people are both lazy and selfish.
I know I am.
The average person doesn’t care
about writers.
They care about themselves.

So I don’t talk about me.
I talk about
how no one risks jail time and fines
for nothing.
I ask readers to think about
what these pirates could possibly be gaining.
I express concern
for the readers’ security,
especially as many of my readers are women.

This is also true.
I AM concerned about my readers.
I don’t want pirates using my stories
to hurt other people.

This tact works.
And unfortunately
my warnings were reinforced this week
when many of the pirate sites
were hit with a virus.

When you sell benefits,
sell the benefits for your prospect,
not the benefits for you.

Categorized as Marketing