Whatever It Takes

I thought I was hard working
until I read this article
about Rob Honeycutt.

For 13 years,
Rob Honeycutt,
founder of Timbuk2,
more than 100 hours per week,
sewed through several fingers,
almost starved a few times
and lived out of his factory.

“I worked from home
for three years,
making every bag by hand.
By myself,
I could make
10 to 15 bags per day.
This was the late ’80s,
early ’90s
and the Internet wasn’t around yet,
so I would hand-draw pictures
of bags on fliers
and send them to bike shops
along the West Coast.
By 1993, I had about 50 bike shops
selling my bags.
I moved into a live/work space
just outside San Francisco
and hired one person.
I grew slowly from there,
but the biggest growth happened
when I hired good salespeople.”

Are you willing to do
whatever it takes
to make your dreams a reality?