The One Percenters

We often hear about the 80/20 rule.
When it comes to communities,
the numbers are more severe than that.
1% of the population
drives success.

Jackie Huba,
author of
Monster Loyalty:
How Lady Gaga Turns Followers
into Fanatics,


“The idea of the One Percenters
comes from our research
during the early days of
online community and social media.
I looked at online communities
and tracked what percentage of members
in those communities created content
—in other words, who was most engaged.

I found it amounted to
just 1 percent
of the total community members.”

One of my buddies just hit the NYT Bestseller list
with her very first release.
She agrees with the 1 percent
and adds that the 1 percent
isn’t the people we think it is.

It isn’t the huge bloggers or reviewers.
These folks don’t have time
to promote others.
It is the smaller, up and coming
bloggers and reviewers.

Focus on the noisy one percent.

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