Job Blocked

“70 percent of respondents
in a Wells Fargo survey
say they plan to work during retirement,
because they worry
or know they won’t be able to afford
to retire full time.”

What does this mean for everyone else?
They’re job blocked,
unable to progress upward in management,
stuck in their corporate careers.

These job blocked employees
are usually advised to take lateral moves
or to take this ‘opportunity’
to be mentored by the job blockers.

Which is likely
what folks told England’s Prince Charles
to do also.
Now, he’s 64 years old
and still waiting for his mom to retire.

Instead of waiting for your boss
to retire,
consider building your own empire.

Baby Boom Echo Generation

During a talk about
the baby boom echo generation
(individuals born
between 1978 and 1997 inclusive),
Don Tapscott shares*

“These kids are in front of a screen
about the same amount of time,
maybe a little bit more.
But they have three windows
and they’ve got three magazines open
and they are listening to mp3 files
and maybe talking on the phone
– more likely texting on the phone
– and they’ve got a video game…
Oh yeah and they are doing their homework.

When they are online,
what are they doing?
Rather than being a passive recipient
of somebody else’s video,
they are reading,
composing their thoughts,
so-called multi-tasking,
and telling their stories.

This is creating a generation
that thinks differently.”

And this generation is in the workplace right now.
They’re our employees,

We should understand this difference.

*University of Waterloo Magazine,
Fall 2012