Baby Boom Echo Generation

During a talk about
the baby boom echo generation
(individuals born
between 1978 and 1997 inclusive),
Don Tapscott shares*

“These kids are in front of a screen
about the same amount of time,
maybe a little bit more.
But they have three windows
and they’ve got three magazines open
and they are listening to mp3 files
and maybe talking on the phone
– more likely texting on the phone
– and they’ve got a video game…
Oh yeah and they are doing their homework.

When they are online,
what are they doing?
Rather than being a passive recipient
of somebody else’s video,
they are reading,
composing their thoughts,
so-called multi-tasking,
and telling their stories.

This is creating a generation
that thinks differently.”

And this generation is in the workplace right now.
They’re our employees,

We should understand this difference.

*University of Waterloo Magazine,
Fall 2012