Tire Kickers

I went with a loved one
to a car dealership.
The car dealership offered a $50 gift certificate
to anyone test driving a car.
My loved one was interested in buying a car
and used the gift certificate to bribe me
into going to the dealership with him.

When we arrived at the dealership,
the salesman asked us
if we were interested in the gift certificate.
We, of course, said ‘yes’.
He gave us the gift certificate
and walked away.
We had to ask for the test drive.
We had to ask for details on the car
(even though my loved one rattled off specs on the car,
having clearly done his research).

The salesman assumed we weren’t there to buy
because we were interested in
the gift certificate.

We had arrived expecting to buy
but by the end of the encounter,
we had no interest in doing business
with that salesman.

My point is…
we should do our best ALWAYS.
The tire kickers
or the freebie seekers
could be customers in disguise.

Categorized as Sales

1 comment

  1. Your definitely right. The poor sap probably lost a relatively easy or potential sale. To me it always about relationships. If I don’t get the sale today I sometimes can get one in the future. The dealership had the right idea with the gift certificate. It got you to the store. They dropped the ball at point of entry. Good luck in your car shopping.

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