The 5 Love Languages

When I was a project manager
at a large beverage company,
all of the management team took a course
on the 5 love languages
(words of affirmation,
acts of service, receiving gifts,
quality time, and physical touch).


Because thank you’s
and rewards for great service
are most effective
when we incorporate the right love language
(or incorporate as many love languages as possible
if we don’t know).

For example:
A reward that would incorporate
all 5 love languages would be
– you take your employee out to lunch
(quality time),
you drive/personally make the lunch reservations
(acts of service),
you tell her what a great job she’s doing
(words of affirmation),
you shake her hand
(physical touch),
you give her a small token of your appreciation
(receiving gifts)
with a card
(words of affirmation).

Easy, right?
And, with this little bit of thought,
your thank you
just moved from okay to superb.

Learn the 5 love languages.