Ethics And Your Business

the nurse,
a couple of DJs fooled
to get news on the Royal pregnancy,
was found dead.

It is rumored she took her own life.

While the DJs
couldn’t have foreseen
that tragic turn of events,
they must have known
their actions would cost
the nurse her job
and severe hardship.

They purposefully traded a nurse’s job
for higher ratings
and more media coverage.

Right now,
one of your employees,
maybe one of your managers,
may be facing an ethical dilemma,
perhaps with the same type of consequences.

Do you have the means to help that employee
make her decision?
Do you have guidelines?
Do you have a shared view or even a motto
like Google’s Don’t Be Evil?

When you’re outlining what you WILL do
to achieve your goals,
also share what you WON’T do.

Change your world for the better.