The First Million And Partnership

There’s a saying in the investing world.
“The first million is the hardest.”

This is true of customers, of sales, also.
Those first customers are the toughest
to convince to buy.


Because once we have a base
of happy customers,
these customers help us promote,
convincing other customers to buy.

THIS is why many start ups
partner with larger, more established companies,
to leverage their customer base.

When I partner with publishers,
the publisher’s readership base
is a huge factor.
One of my publishers has a reader loop
with 1,000 readers.
Another publisher has a reader loop
with 4,000 readers.
When I promote on the second reader loop,
I sell 4 x’s as many books
as when I promote on the first reader loop.

Yep, the first million is the hardest.
Considering making this easier to achieve
through partnerships.

Categorized as Sales