Disagreeing With Team Decisions

If you’re involved in a number of team decisions,
you will face a decision
you don’t agree to.

The time to fight this decision
is before it is acted upon.

You bring in an expert
to convince the team
and you ask for another vote.
Or you approach your manager
for advice.

Once acted upon,
a team decision is considered your decision.
The politically correct response
to questions about it
starts with “The team decided…”

Stating that you disagreed
after the fact
does a couple of very negative things.
It shows you have no loyalty
and you’re willing
to throw your team mates under the bus.
Individuals with that reputation
don’t last long in organizations.

It also communicates that you’re weak.
You didn’t have the strength/expertise/skills
to convince your team mates.
Individuals like that
don’t get promoted.

Once team decisions are made,
they’re YOUR decision.