E-Mail Newsletters

Yes, e-mail newsletters still work.
I subscribe to them.
I buy off them.

But how do you hug the fine line
between spamtastic
and value-add
with your newsletters?

John Jantsch suggests

“Exchange lots of value.
There is no exact formula
but you can bet that
if all you do is sell,
people won’t stay engaged very long.

Think in terms of producing
six to eight valuable pieces of content
for every one offer.
Quite often marketers will keep
their newsletter all educational
and mail offers as solo mailings
between regular issues.”

What to write about?
You’re the expert in your field.
Offer expert tips or facts
or the history of your industry.
Show how passionate you are
about your industry.

Share why you care
and your clients will too.

Categorized as Marketing