New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, President Obama And Leadership

Hurricane Sandy brought devastation.
It also brought out the best
in leadership.

In the past,
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie
has been harsh in his criticism
of U.S. President Obama.

On Tuesday,
a week before the U.S. Presidential election,
the Governor praised U.S. President Obama.

“I spoke to the president
three times yesterday.
He has been incredibly supportive
and helpful to our state…”

When asked about whether or not
he’d tour the area with Mitt Romney,
the Governor shared
“I have no idea,
nor am I the least bit concerned
or interested.
I have a job to do in New Jersey
that is much bigger than presidential politics.
I could care less about any of that stuff…
If you think right now I give a damn
about presidential politics,
then you don’t know me.”

THAT is what leaders do.
They set aside their personal beliefs,
their personal agendas,
and they do what they can do
for the people they lead,
not caring whom they receive assistance from.