That First Week

You’ve started a brand new job
but your boss is busy.
She doesn’t have time
to set up meetings for you.

So help her.
Set these meetings up yourself.

Ask the admin assistant
for the organization chart.
Set up half hour meetings
with your co-workers.
If they’re too busy
to meet with you,
they’ll ask to reschedule.

Draft a list of questions.
My favorite is
“What do you know now
that you wish you had known
when you started?”

Ask the questions.
Write down the answers.
Thank them for their time.

Between these meetings,
put these answers
(excluding private information)
in a general format
(“I wish I’d met with Ted”
becomes “Consult with the purchasing agent.”)
and create a new hire FAQ binder.

First week on the job,
you’ve showed initiative,
you’ve learned,
AND you’ve added value to the organization.

This is much better than staring into space.