Setting The Tone

I belong to a writing group
consisting of five writers.
When I was invited into this group,
I stressed about
what I could offer
these more experienced writers.

I was told that
when I’m somewhere,
that somewhere is happier, upbeat, optimistic.
These writers needed that optimism.

Now, they hesitate to plan a function
unless I can attend
because they know
without optimism
meetings spiral into pity parties.

When I was laid off
from the big beverage company,
my V-P contacted me
and apologized.
He said he didn’t realize
how I had set the hopeful mood for the office.

If you’re a new product developer
or an entrepreneur,
the odds are good,
you’re optimistic

Never strive to be anything else.

And if you don’t have an optimistic tone setter
at your workplace,
hire one.

Optimism is contagious
and optimistic people change the world.