Living By A Different Set Of Rules

Everyone thinks they follow the rules.
Really they don’t,
and this can be damaging
when you’re trying to enforce
these rules.

People believe what they see,
not what they hear.

Leading Blog explains
how sometimes leaders THINK
they follow the rules they give others
when really they don’t

“Sometimes this is difficult
to see in yourself,
so asking a trusted friend
if there is a disconnect
between your words
and your behavior is helpful.

As a leader,
it is too easy to think of yourself
as the exception.
“I’m busy.”
“They don’t have to deal with
what I am dealing with.”
“This is for them, I don’t need it.”

When a leader’s behavior
conforms to their talk,
there is a connective quality formed
that is worthy of trust and attention.
If we live our values
we can create radical change.”

Find a trusted friend or mentor
and assign them the task
of keeping you honest.