The Speed Of Innovation

Fads happen in every industry.
Customers discover
a unique (yet usually shallow) product
and the product blows up big.
Then the imitators flood the market.
The customers eventually tire of the product,
and they move on.

If you’re quick with innovation
and developing new products,
you can hop on these fads
and make some dollars.

If you’re not a fast innovator,
it makes no sense
to try to catch fads.
Once your product reaches the market,
the fad will be over.

Both strategies have potential.
I know authors who take 5 years
getting a story to market.
I know authors who take 5 days
getting a story to market.
They are producing very different stories
using different speeds of innovation
yet both authors are successful.

The key is to know
which type of innovator you are.

Your speed of innovation
will drive
business strategy.