Success And Confidence

Many people think
that super successful people
are also always super confident.

That’s a myth.

When trying new things,
super successful people
can be as nervous and unsure
as the rest of us,
maybe even more so
because they have more of a reputation
to lose
if they fail.

Relationships are about exchanges of favors
some of us stress about
what we can possibly offer
a super successful person.
These doubtful transitions
give us that opportunity.

Recently, a New York Times bestselling author
sent out an email to her writing chapter.
She had a new website,
designed for a new market,
and she needed
someone to ohhh and ahhh over it.

I replied with an email
ohhh’ing and ahhh’ing
(it WAS a wonderful website),
with comments about
why her new market would love it.

She replied saying what a relief
that was to hear
because she had been worrying about that.

No shit.
That message came through
loud and clear
in her email.

Bam, the favor slate has been wiped clean
and I can now, without guilt,
ask her for another favor.

Buoy a super successful person’s confidence,
especially with new ventures.
They will appreciate it
and remember you.