Invest More Upfront

Cosmopolitan has an article
on what to say
to get what you want.

Their advice for getting special treatment
from a bartender?

“Overtip for your first drink,
be sure he/she sees what you’re handing over,
and say with a smile,
“Be good to me.”
By the time you order your second round,
your tipping will even out
but your service will be so much better.”

I do this with new business gigs.
I work like a demon
those first few months.

I do this while traveling.
I’ll leave a good tip EVERY morning,
not just when I’m checking out.

I even do this while blogging.
I’ll start a new blog
with a few dozen posts or more.

Invest MORE at the start
of your relationship
with your boss, prospect, reader.
First impressions do count.

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