Negative Comment Spam

Comment spam is a given with blogging,
and most of it
is very easy to spot.

The comments go something like this…
“Nice Job.
I’m been looking for this information for a long time.
Many posts are difficult to read
but the way you write
makes it easy to understand.”
blah, blah, blah.

It is usually flattering and positive
and even I get tempted sometimes to approve it.

The latest trend in comment spam
I have no temptation to approve
and that is negative comment spam.
It goes something like this…
“I know what you are trying to say
but I disagree.
You have your facts wrong.
The real information is
(unrelated link).”

It is negative,
and puts down the blogger’s post
and I have NO inclination
to approve that spam.

I understand what the spammer is trying to do.
She is hoping to capture
the readers who are looking for another viewpoint.
The problem with this strategy
is that the comment won’t get past the gatekeeper.

Gatekeepers ARE important.
They can either squash or support
your marketing strategy.

Categorized as Marketing