High Vs Unrealistic Expectations

I started my new business gig today.

My boss listed the tasks
he wishes me to accomplish
in the two short months I’m there.

Impossible under the constraints
he has given me.

When I pushed back
and told him
his expectations were unrealistic,
he didn’t budge on them.

I came close to simply walking out.
I know I won’t meet his expectations
and he’ll be unhappy with my results.
I will fail.
If failure is guaranteed,
why try?

THAT is the problem with unrealistic expectations.
High expectations challenge
and excite people.
Unrealistic expectations squish them flat.

Ensure that your expectations
are reachable.
(oh, and if an expert says they aren’t,
maybe you should listen to her)


  1. I watched a video somewhere that said this is a great question to ask during the interview.

    So, if you end up hiring me and everything goes extremely well, what would I have acheived after my first year on the job?

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