Kelly Cutrone On Marketing Fashion

Kelly Cutrone,
Founder of People’s Revolution,
talks about marketing fashion.

“Right now, everyone and everything is the brand.
Your diary is now your Facebook page.
That’s great.
But it’s like,
what do you have to say?
What’s your news?
If you’re a fashion designer and
you have a new collection,
well, so does everybody.
It’s like you’re making little rick-rack t-shirts.
You’re not going to be in Vogue.
You need to change your expectations
or change your products.”

What should designers do?

“Get 65,000 Facebook fans.
Make a one minute short film
and pop it up on Facebook
and just talk to 65,000 people.
Get it on the internet,
then the Wall Street Journal and
700 bloggers pick it up
and cut and paste it,
you have a global message
for very little money.”

Categorized as Marketing