Making Mistakes Quickly

I learn by doing.

A writing buddy and I
decided to try a new genre.
I read three stories in that genre
and then wrote my first story.
While that first story was being rejected,
I was writing my second story.

My buddy read over 20 stories
in the genre.
She took classes.

I now have 3 stories published
in that genre.
She is currently writing her first one.

If it doesn’t cost much to try,
I try.
I make my mistakes.
I learn from them.
I eventually succeed.

Josh James,
founder of Omniture,
has a similar outlook.

“I make mistakes faster than anybody.
I think, go, do.
That’s the Omniture mantra.
While you’re figuring out what to do,
we’ve tried two different things
and have figured out the right one.”

the entire interview rocks it.
Definitely a recommended read.