Unlimited Work

In any job,
there is unlimited work.
If you run out of work,
it is because
you aren’t improving processes
(and there is always room for process improvements).

If you have too many tasks,
not enough time,
have a sit down with your manager.
Part of a manager’s job
is to set priorities for their staff.
Use your manager for this.

Before you have that meeting,
list what you’re currently doing
and the time each task takes.
Make another list of what you or your manager
wants to add to your job.
Estimate the time required.

Have your manager rank
the tasks on your lists
and then draw a line under
a regular working day.
Anything under that line
doesn’t get done.
(Overtime is for emergencies
– it shouldn’t be part of your ‘regular’ day.)

This does a few things.
It shows your manager
how much you do every day
(she will probably take a copy
of that task list
and show other managers).
Your manager feels happy
because she’s ‘managing’.
Anything not getting done
is now not getting done
with her blessing.

Use your manager to help set priorities.