Opponents Online

One of my buddies
is a superfan of a certain author.
She regularly visits numerous blogs, forums, chats,
talking up the author and her books.

Recently there was a general discussion
about writing on a blog.
This author dropped in
and responded to ONE of the commenters,
blasting her for her opinion
(an opinion that other commenters shared).

The commenter?
You guessed it – the superfan.

Not only did she embarrass the superfan
but she obviously didn’t know who she was.

That was a silly mistake.
The superfan had her commenting name
linked to her blog,
a blog where the post for the day was…
a glowing review of the author’s latest book.

It would have taken the author 30 seconds
to know exactly who she was fighting with.

If you are going to fight online
(and I don’t recommend that you do),
make darn sure who you are fighting with.

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